July 18-27, 2025


Watch: Morning Star American Indian Village

Cheyenne Frontier Days ™ (CFD) has initiated a project to reconstruct and relocate the Native American Indian Village on Frontier Park grounds. CFD revealed preliminary sketches of the new facility named Morning Star American Indian Village today, celebrating a donation from the Hughes Charitable Foundation.

Today’s announcement reflects years of planning on ways to improve the portion of Cheyenne
Frontier Days that features Native American Indians during the 10-day show. The donation will
allow for full construction of a new facility located near the Old West Museum. CFD will raise
the funds necessary to complete cultural features.

“Since the beginning days of CFD, we have featured Native American Indian dancers,
performers and storytellers,” Tom Hirsig, CFD CEO said. “This contribution allows us to begin
construction on a facility that will serve as a cultural destination and a showcase for all of
Cheyenne and Wyoming.”

CFD released architect drawings at an event ending with a cedar ring blessing conducted by Pat
Iron Cloud, a member of the Oglala Lakota Tribe, and a prayer by Sandra Iron Cloud, member of
the Northern Arapaho Tribe.

The goal of this project is to shine a brighter spotlight on the role of Native American Indians at
CFD. The new space will offer a much-improved venue for Indian performers, as well as an
upgraded space for craftsmen who travel to CFD and sell their goods in the village. Beyond the
10-day show, CFD will work to provide the venue for various cultural events.

“The Hughes Charitable Foundation is active in many Wyoming communities, and their projects
always lift up the people and projects that support our Wyoming values,” Renée Middleton, CFD
Foundation Executive Director said. “This new village will reach hundreds of thousands of
visitors who come to Cheyenne Frontier Days, and it will focus on a part of our western story
that deserves more attention. We are proud to celebrate Native American Indians and bring an
exciting cultural facility to the community of Cheyenne.”

Morning Star American Indian Village Fact Sheet
 The Morning Star American Indian Village is a planned cultural facility that is dedicated
to the heritage of the American Indian.

 The existing village is 1.2 acres. The new village will be roughly 3.8 acres.

 The existing Dance Arbor holds 600, the new Dance Arbor will hold 800-1000 with

 The new site will feature improved amenities for our American Indian performers.

 Improved vendor space as well as more intimate stages featuring Native artists, crafts
people, and storytelling are part of the new design.

 The new facility is planned to be open year-round.

 The village will serve as a Memorial for our American Indian veterans and service

 A flag promenade of the Nomadic Tribes who passed through this area of the Plains is
 “State of The Art”  Integrated Sound System will improve sound for visitors.

 There are opportunities for locals and lovers of this village to show their support with
additional fundraising activities.

New Committee Chairs Named for 128th Celebration

The Cheyenne Frontier Days™ (CFD) General Committee has named its new committee members for the 2024 celebration.

Following Grounds Chairman Wally Reiman is Doug Finch. Finch is the Chief Executive Officer at Finch Enterprises, Inc. He has volunteered on the CFD Grounds Committee for 17 years and was inducted into the HEELS Organization in 2017. Finch has also served on the Cheyenne Frontier Days Board of Directors for 4 years.

Byron Mathews will be replacing Brian Rico as Operations Chairman. Mathews is the State Fire Marshal and Director of the Department of Fire Prevention and Electrical Safety. He previously worked with Cheyenne Fire Rescue for 24 years, serving as a firefighter through the ranks of Division Chief. Mathews has been involved with CFD for 20 years with the Parades Motorized Division.

Following Mike Smith as Public Relations Chairman is Shellie Hardsocg. She is a special educator at Laramie County School District #1. Hardsocg has been a volunteer on the Public Relations Committee since 1993 and has been a committee lead for 9 years. She was nominated PR Volunteer of the Year in 2009 and inducted into the HEELS in 2013.

The Cheyenne Frontier Days General Committee has already begun the planning process for the 128th Cheyenne Frontier Days.

New Committee Chairs Named for 127th Celebration

The Cheyenne Frontier Days™ (CFD) General Committee has named its new committee members for the 2023 celebration.

Following Concessions Chairman Brad Westby is Woody Acord. Acord is a Senior IT Analyst; and has a BS degree in Management. He has volunteered on the CFD Concessions Committee for 23 years and was voted Volunteer of the Year in 2002. Acord was inducted into the HEELS in 2012.

Following Col. Deane R. Konowicz as Military Chairman is Col. John F. Hundley. He is currently a Vice Commander at the 90th Missile Wing at F.E. Warren Air Force Base. Hundley has two MS degrees and a BS degree in criminal justice. Col. Hundley has also served on the CFD Military Committee.

Following Ruthanne Hubbard as Parades Chairman is James Van Cise. He has spent 17 years as a Facilities Manager of the U.S.A.F. Base Hospital and Laramie County Library Systems. Van Cise has been a CFD Parades Volunteer for 24 years and he has been a Lead Assistant for 5 years.

Following Chad Mathews as Rodeo Chairman is Jason Bain. He is the Owner at KLC Automotive Equipment. Bain has been a volunteer on the Rodeo Committee since 2008 where he has been a Committee Lead for 5 years. He was selected as Rodeo Committee Volunteer of the Year in 2015 and inducted into the HEELS in 2018.

The Cheyenne Frontier Days General Committee has begun the planning process for 2023 by reviewing the results of the 2022 event.

Contos Named New General Chairman

The Cheyenne Frontier Days Board of Directors has named John Contos as the next General Chairman. In this role, he will lead the General Committee in producing the 127th annual celebration. Contos replaces outgoing General Chairman Jimmy Dean Siler.

Contos retired from Laramie County School District #1 as an Administrator of Health, Physical Education, and Safe & Drug Free Schools & Communities. Prior to that, he served as a Physical/Health Education Instructor at Laramie County School District #1. Contos attended the University of Wyoming where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology and a Masters degree.

Contos has been a CFD Volunteer for 39 years; he joined the HEELS organization in 1998; and was a CFD Public Relations Chairman. Contos was a CFD Board Member from 2016 – 2021 where he was: Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President, and Board President in 2018.

Contos will begin preparation for the 127th annual celebration by meeting with the General Committee to review the 2022 show and plan for improvements for the next year.

Contos said, “I am honored, excited and humbled to be selected as the next General Chairman of the World’s Largest Outdoor Rodeo and Western Celebration!”

CFD Names New Committee Chair

Meet Our Newest Chairman

Jimmy Dean Siler named Cheyenne Frontier Days General Chairman