July 18-27, 2025


For the Media


Requests for media credentials should be submitted in writing on company letterhead and emailed to Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Public Relations Committee.

Credential requests should be submitted as early as possible. Priority is given to professionals working on assignment for established/recognized media outlets approved by the CFD Public Relations Committee prior to the celebration.

Full credentials, valid for all ten days of Cheyenne Frontier Days, will be issued to paid employees of media outlets, writers or photographers on assignment with an established/recognized media outlet and PRCA photographers with a current membership card.

Journalists may be given authorized access to various areas on a rotating basis in order to accommodate assignment needs. Please note that the press deck and ready area are reserved for working media only. No children are permitted.

2025 Media Credential Applications will be available in April 


The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) owns the rights to rodeo coverage. For a PRCA media guide, please contact the PRCA Media Staff


PRCA clothing regulations state that all media personnel and photographers must wear a long-sleeved button-down or western shirt, long pants, boots, and a western hat while present in the photo pit, arena and chute area, and in the cowboys’ ready area. This regulation is mandatory with safety as the top priority. In addition, this event is highly photographed for both television and the print media; the clothing requirement also ensures the western flavor of the show. If the requirement presents a problem, contact one of the public relations committee representatives for help.


All night show/concert press passes must be approved in advance. If you wish to cover a show, please submit a request to do so in writing to the PR Committee no less than fifteen days before the show date. Any media that does not request a night show/concert media pass in advance may not be able to take photos, video or review the show. When the request is submitted please include information on what you intend to do (i.e. take photographs, take video, or review the show). The PR Committee will have a listing for who is approved, the artists’ restrictions and any added requirements (often the first two or three songs only) one or two days prior to the show.

In addition, if you wish to conduct an interview with the artists we can provide you with the contact information for the artist and you can contact them directly. The Public Relations Committee will not be able to set up interviews for you.


This Media Guide is produced to help with coverage of the rodeo and other Cheyenne Frontier Days events/attractions

View Media Guide


Access to the high-resolution, online media content is granted on a per-request basis

Request Access