July 18-27, 2025


WATCH: Steer Roper Troy Tillard

More than 130 cowboys completed both preliminary rounds at Cheyenne Frontier Days on July 15, setting the steer roping field’s top twelve who will return for Championship Sunday. It is fitting a Wyoming family who’s competed at “The Daddy” since 1943 would have a representative at the Cheyenne Legacy Steer Roping Finals. Troy Tillard from Douglas won a CFD Champion Buckle in 2004. Saturday he finished two steers in 31.4 seconds, fourth in the average.

WYDOT projects may cause delays during CFD

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Cheyenne Frontier Days is around the corner, and while many of the Wyoming Department of Transportation’s construction projects in Cheyenne will be put on pause during the “Daddy of ‘em All,” there are some lingering traffic impacts that may cause delays for motorists attending CFD festivities.

Construction work on the Interstate 25 bridge over Lincolnway will be suspended for the duration of the event. Speed limits will be raised through construction zones and a detour will be implemented to facilitate better traffic flow.

Traffic control will shift to close two exits from I-80 to I-25 north and redirect traffic through a short detour via Lincolnway.

Heavy event traffic is likely throughout CFD week, especially near Missile Dr. interchange for the Park-n-Ride and Randall interchange for the CFD Park itself. The I-80/I-25 detour should not impact these exits.

Terry Ranch Road project will remain closed throughout Cheyenne Frontier Days, but should have minimal impact on travel. Drivers should be aware of potential distractions around state highways during the weeklong event; pay attention to the road and just drive.

The Wyoming Highway Patrol is keeping a sharp lookout for impaired driving, be sure to designate a sober driver.

For information about this news release, contact WYDOT District 1 public information specialist andrea.staley@wyo.gov.

The Unofficial Start of Cheyenne Frontier Days Begins July 15, 2023

The unofficial start of Cheyenne Frontier Days will kick off July 15 with rodeo qualifiers. The Daddy of ‘em All Rodeo is a modified, tournament-style format. Timed events will have qualifying rounds to make it into the rodeo performances beginning July 22. Rodeo qualifiers are free to the public.

Qualifying Schedule:

  • July 15 at 7 a.m. — Steer Roping. Top 12 advance to Finals Sunday.
  • July 16 at 7 a.m. — Team Roping. Top 72 advance to rodeo performances.
  • July 17 at 7 a.m. — Tie Down Roping. Top 72 advance to rodeo performances.
  • July 18 at 7 a.m. — Steer Wrestling & Women’s Breakaway Roping. Top 72 advance to rodeo performances.
  • July 19 at 7 a.m. — Women’s Breakaway Roping & Barrel Racing. Top 72 advance to rodeo performances.

On Sunday, July 16 CFD will round up bucking horses from the pasture north of Cheyenne along I-25, and through the city streets into Frontier Park. The roundup begins at approximately 8 a.m. at the intersection of I-25 & Horse Creek Road north of the city. It then moves along I-25 on the Eastern frontage road to Hynds Blvd., turns south to Central Ave., to Kennedy Road, and then moves from Kennedy Road to Hynds Blvd., and into Frontier Park.

Approximate arrival times at the following areas are as follows:

  • I-25 and Horse Creek Rd/Iron Mountain 8:00 a.m.
  • I-25 frontage road and Riding Club Road 8:20 a.m.
  • I-25 and Vandehei Road 8:30 a.m.
  • I-25 and Central Avenue 8:45 a.m.

Please note: The Wyoming Highway Patrol will not allow parking along I-25 at any time during the Roundup. Central Ave., between Kennedy Road and Hynds Blvd., will be closed while horses are on Central Ave.


CFD Foundation Launches Memorial Bench Program

Frontier Park is an 88-acre testament to generations of volunteerism. There are over 125 years of hard work, time, talent, and pride on these hallowed grounds. We have cared for this home that celebrates the culture and history of the American West so that future generations can experience them.

We now have a way to honor family members, and volunteers past and present, with the donation of a Memorial Bench through the Cheyenne Frontier Days Foundation. This new program will place 50 memorial benches throughout Frontier Park.

The benches are steel park benches, 6 feet in length, with a back and arm rests. An optional, engravable cast bronze plaque will allow for three lines of text to formally acknowledge an entire family or an individual. These benches will give guests a place to rest while honoring those who have given time and talent to the celebration.

Benches are available for $5,000 and support the Cheyenne Frontier Days Foundation. The CFD Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit set up to support the philanthropic activities and educational opportunities of Cheyenne Frontier Days for its continued growth and relevance as the preeminent Western celebration.

Honor family and volunteers past and present with the donation of a Memorial Bench at: http://weblink.donorperfect.com/CFDMemorialBench

The CFD Foundation is uniquely qualified to tell the stories and provide the economic platform to facilitate growth for today and the future of the Cheyenne Frontier Days, Western Heritage, and Western values. The Foundation is the advocate for the educational needs across all aspects of the event to ensure its sustainability. The Foundation supports the philanthropic activities of the event in a way only CFD can. The Foundation provides a powerful collaboration connecting the CFD events and the people who care for them to stimulate interest in the enduring legacy of the American West. We are the keepers of Western heritage through the stories we tell and how we help others.

May Tech Backgrounds


Concert Announcement March 2. Concert Tickets Onsale March 15

Planning for the 2023 Cheyenne Frontier Days is underway, with the concert announcement coming on March 2!

When choosing concerts this year, keep things simple and safe by purchasing your tickets directly from cfdrodeo.com. When it comes to enjoying the star-studded, Cheyenne Frontier Days lineup this year, there’s only one party and it’s NOT third-party! Avoid ticket scalpers on third-party services, by buying from us.

Tickets range from $23-$48 for rodeo, $25-$105 for PBR, and $77-$107 for concerts. If you see higher prices, then it’s not directly from Cheyenne Frontier Days. V.I.P. tickets will range from $100-$300 and will be sold only through the Cheyenne Frontier Days.

Speaking of tickets… here’s an insider tip: Save the date for Zach Bryan, one of the hottest young stars to come around on July 23!

Cheyenne Frontier Days concert tickets will go on sale to the public on March 15.



Upcoming Dandies Clinic & Tryouts

The Cheyenne Frontier Days Dandies will be conducting a clinic on Sunday, January 29 at 5 p.m. at the Laramie County Community College (LCCC) Arena. It is highly recommended that interested candidates attend the clinic.

Dandies Tryouts will be conducted on Sunday, February 5 at the LCCC Arena. Interviews begin at 3 p.m. and horsemanship evaluations begin at 5 p.m. The horse used at tryouts must be the horse intended for the entirety of the program year.

All applicants must sign waivers and wear helmets if they are under the age of 18. Clinic and tryouts are open to high school women ages 14 to 19. Must be age 14 by June 1, 2023.

Questions can be referred to Halley Redman at email dandies.director@cfdrodeo.com